db details

SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'phuketlu'@'localhost' (using password: NO)





Once you’re done click the delete me button to secure your server


Safe Search and Replace on Database with Serialized Data v3.1.0

This developer/sysadmin tool carries out search/replace functions on MySQL DBs and can handle serialised PHP Arrays and Objects.

WARNINGS! Ensure data is backed up. We take no responsibility for any damage caused by this script or its misuse. DB Connection Settings are auto-filled when WordPress or Drupal is detected but can be confused by commented out settings so CHECK! There is NO UNDO! Be careful running this script on a production server.

Don't Forget to Remove Me!

Delete this utility from your server after use by clicking the 'delete me' button. It represents a major security threat to your database if maliciously used.

If you have feedback or want to contribute to this script click the delete button to find out how.

We don't put links on the search replace UI itself to avoid seeing URLs for the script in our access logs.

Again, use Of This Script Is Entirely At Your Own Risk

The easiest and safest way to use this script is to copy your site's files and DB to a new location. You then, if required, fix up your .htaccess and wp-config.php appropriately. Once done, run this script, select your tables (in most cases all of them) and then enter the search replace strings. You can press back in your browser to do this several times, as may be required in some cases.